Immanuel's First Site - 1954
Schroder Hall - 1959
Luther Hall - 1960
1954 TO 2014
Three families, the Andersons, Ludvigsens, and the Randisi’s met for the first services held in a private home in 1952, under the guidance of Dr. Louis Grey.
Pr. Peter Schroder
Under the leadership of The Rev. Peter Schroder, the congregation was organized April 11, 1954, with 121 charter members; 70 adults and 51 children. The ground breaking for Schroder Hall was in March of 1954. The site was purchased for $5,000. It was built under the leadership of Chris Lambrecht. His wife, Alice, was able to attend Immanuel's 60th anniversary celebration in 2014 and tell many stories from the early days. The cost of building was $16,500. Schroder Hall, the first sanctuary, was dedicated in August of 1954.
Pr. Milton Johnson
In 1956, The Rev. Milton Johnson became pastor. During his years at Immanuel, the church's first sanctuary (Luther Hall) was built. It was dedicated December 11, 1960. Schroder Hall became the Fellowship Hall. During Pastor Johnson’s eight years the church grew significantly in numbers and resources. The Rev. Dan Bohline served as an intern for a year during this decade.
Pr. Carl Tambert
Pr. A. Everett Nielsen
The Rev. Carl Tambert began his ministry at Immanuel in February of 1963. During his time with us, the education wing was built and Sunday School rooms were added to Schroder Hall. Luther Hall was remodeled to include pews instead of chairs, carpeting was installed, and the Fireside Room was added. The Rev. Donald Helsel and The Rev. Herman Jonas served as Assistant Pastors during this decade.
In September, 1973, The Rev. A. Everett Nielsen was called to serve Immanuel. A couples group called the “HimandHers”, which had begun some years earlier, grew and continued to meet for progressive dinners and other social outings. In 1975, the church went camping and had a picnic at Mt. Cross. Summer worship services were held on Wednesday evenings in the patio area during 1976.
1978 - 1984 Dr. Roger Hansen became pastor in 1978. As he was a chaplain in the Armed Forces, every national holiday the church had color guards present the flag at Sunday services. The 25th Anniversary celebration was held October 7, 1979. The new LBW hymn books were used for the first time in 1980. We held a Lay Renewal program in 1982, and a new Rogers organ was dedicated in March of that year.
Pr. Roger Hansen
Pr. Jack Ericson
1984 - 2005 The Rev. Jack Ericson was installed as pastor on October 7, 1984. In April of 1985 we celebrated our 30th Anniversary and all the former pastors were invited back for one Sunday during the year.
During these years we were involved with the Intern program from Pacific Lutheran Serminary in Berkeley. Five interns each served a year with us: Richard Bowley, Jeff Ruby, Barbara Condon-Hennessy, Barry Long, and Hans Wiersma.
In 1988, the new Evangelical Lutheran Church in America was formed by a merger of two church bodies, and Immanuel became part of the large ELCA Church body and part of the Sierra Pacific Synod.
With the merger, we became more involved with Sunny View Manor Lutheran Home, with members of our church serving on the board and on the Ladies Auxiliary.
In 1991, Pastor Ericson noted that the carpet in Luther Hall was beginning to show wear and tear. That sparked many discussions, meetings, planning, and fund raising over the new few years, and the church decided to take a step forward and build a new sanctuary.
Our present sanctuary was built starting in 1995. It was dedicated June 2, 1996. The contemporary service was started in March of 1996.
In 2000, Luther Hall was remodeled to serve as our Fellowship Hall, and the kitchen was also remodeled. That allowed Immanuel to host the Alpha Omega Homeless Shelter for a week every November.
During this decade the Youth Group began traveling to Mexico each year to help build homes, a tradition that continues to the present day.
On April 25, 2004, Immanuel celebrated its 50th anniversary with music and stories from the first five decades.
During this decade we were led by three pastors: The Rev. Jack Ericson who retired in 2005; The Rev. Laurie Andersen, who was installed in July, 2007; and The Rev. David Schick, who began his ministry at Immanuel in March, 2010. We were also served by two interim Pastors, The Rev. Jan Womer, and The Rev. Marcus Hess. Much of Immanuel's current staff joined us in this last decade, including Danny Dye, Youth Director; and Nancy Allgeier, Parish Office Administrator.
Under Pastor Schick’s leadership, we have expanded our global mission outreach to build an AIDs clinic in Africa.
Pr. Laurie Andersen
Pr. Marcus Hess
Pr. Jan Womer
By 2015 we were partnering with three overseas outreach efforts by supporting missionaries in Eastern Europe, Kenya, and Rwanda. We also participated enthusiastically in the ELCA Malaria campaign.
Pr. David Schick
2010 to 2019
Before the onset of the pandemic, our Youth Group made annual trips to Mexico during the summer, experiencing substantial growth under the guidance of Danny Dye. In 2012, Immanuel's youth initiated an annual VBS/Day Camp and organized various events like the Living Nativity. Matt Peters fostered the growth of the Youth Chorus as well.
Coming back from the Covid closure, presently, we are diligently working to restore all activities to their former vibrancy.
Currently, our youth actively engage in community charity work and enjoyable activities such as movie nights and confirmation pursuits. For additional information, please reach out to our Youth Minister, Danny Dye, at
In January 2012, we replaced our Grant Road sign to extend a warm welcome to everyone. The following year, a new Rodgers digital organ was purchased and installed. On May 18, 2014, we joyously celebrated our 60th anniversary with a memorable evening featuring a video created by one of our youth. The event showcased music, skits, delicious food, and reflections from charter members on Immanuel's early beginnings.
Ed Johnson, the praise team director, and Melody Wright Bast, an accomplished pianist, lead our music program and praise team.
Our exquisite sanctuary is one of the newest in the area and is renowned for hosting weddings, special events, music recitals, and benefit concerts as part of our outreach endeavors. Immanuel has become a sought-after venue for wedding celebrations, collaborating with numerous congregations in the area to offer diverse services.
In December 2023, we installed a state-of-the-art sound system in Immanuel's sanctuary, spearheaded by our beloved Pastor, Rev. Josh Martyn. This technology has proven to be an invaluable asset, enhancing the in-person worship experience, livestreaming services, visually illustrating sermons, and providing impeccable sound and sharp videos for memorials, weddings, and various gatherings.